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  • The voucher can be used on a single purchase, only once.
  • The voucher can only be used before confirming the order (before confirming the order and proceeding to the next stage). After this step it will not be possible to apply any other discounts.
  • The voucher will always be used with a minimum order of acquisition. The amount will be indicated in the email by which you received the voucher
  • ​ The voucher can not be exchanged into cash and can not be used for items that are subject to other promotions.
  • ​The voucher has a limited amount of time, the due date will be indicated in the email by which you received the voucher.
  • ​The voucher will not be refunded in case of return.
  • ​The voucher can be used to purchase some items that will be indicated in the email by which you received the voucher.
  • ​To avoid confusion (for example, between the letter O and the number 0) it would be wise to copy the voucher code and enter it directly into the specially created field.